Saturday, May 14, 2011

2011 Fishing Opener

Well, we're off to a great start of the season! Cameron caught a 10 pound northern off the dock today! :) He was VERY excited!
And, we've got a "new" dock boy- Nathan!! He's been a big help on the dock- helping boats come in, getting minnows for guests, etc. We're excited that our boys are old enough to start helping out! hehe
Dave has been very busy working on the docks. He's made some sturdy supports for the walkway, so it feels a lot better walking across it now. What a nice improvement!
Larry has been busy building a couple of new decks for cabins- they look great!
Sally and Betsey have been busy opening cabins up for the season and getting the lodge ready.
We're so happy to see guests arriving for the Opener- it's great to see familiar faces and meet new people.
Here's to a great season!!